The Belt
Attributes: Agility: d8 (d10), Smarts: d8 (d10), Spirit: d6 (d8), Strength: d6 (d8), Vigor: d6 (d8)
Skills: Athletics: d6 (d8), Common Knowledge: d6 (d8), Notice: d6+2 (d8+2), Persuasion: d6, Stealth: d8 (d10).
Driving: d4, Fighting: d8 (d12), Intimidation: d6 (d8), Research: d8 (d10), Thievery: d6 (d8)
Pace: 6 Parry: 9 Toughness: 10 (4)
Edges: Alert
Hindrances: Grim (Minor), Secret ID (Major), Enemy: Rogue Gallery (Major), Driven (Minor)
Armor (1): SynthTech Suit, +4, Device
Environmental Resistance (1): SynthTech Suit, Heat, Cold, Air, Device, only for background effects (-2)
Belt Powers (all Device -1)
Decay (2), acid capsules, altered trait (Athletics)
Doesn’t Breath (1), rebreather
Entangle, (4), Capture Foam Combat Discs, Contingent to Ranged Attack, AE MBT
Poison (3), KO Gas Combat Discs, Area Effect MBT,
Ranged Attack (4): combat discs, Athletics Range 3/6/12, 2d6, AP 4, Switchable, Range based on Strength (-1)
Ranged Attack (3): combat discs, Athletics Range 3/6/12, 2d6, Area Effect MBT, Range based on Strength (-1)
Gifted (2): Intense Training
Heightened Senses (1): Eagle Eyes, Low Light Vision, Device Mask
Melee Attack (2): martial Arts +d6
Super Attribute (10): all +1
Super Skills (9): Athletics: +1, Common Knowledge +1, Notice: +1, Research +1, Stealth +1, Fighting: +2, Intimidation +1, Thievery +1
Swinging (1): Device: Bracer
Vehicle (4), motorcycle, Handling +0, Size +1, Super Powers (15)
Speed (8): 240 Mph, Ungainly; Leaping (2), Broadcast (3) altered trait (electronics), Skill Bonus (2): Driving +1
Gear: $0, 2 Smoke Grenades, 1 Stun Grenade, Lockpicks, Comlink
The Belt represents an avenger of the night, a talented martial artist and investigator. While other heroes may be stronger or can fly, it is the belt who will normaly be the one to figure out what is going on and come up with a solution.
As the character develops he will probably take professional edges such as Thief or Investigator