Active Skills: : Archery (Crossbows +2) 6, Perception 6, Sneaking (Urban +2) 6, Survival 2, Unarmed Combat 2
Knowledge Skills: Hunting 2, Leatherworking 3, Tribal Politics (Salish +2) 2
Languages: English N, Salish 4
Metatype Abilities:Armor (+1), Enhanced Senses: Thermographic Vision
Qualities: Adept, Allergy, Common (Moderate): Seafood, Incompetent: Firearms Group, Jack of All Trades, Master of None, Mentor Spirit: Bear, Quick Healer, SINner (National SIN): NAN, Tough as Nails (Physical) (2), Tough as Nails (Stun) (1)
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (1), Improved Reflexes (2), Mystic Armor (2), Rapid Healing (1)
Augmentations: Bone Lacing (Aluminum), Damage Compensators (4)
Ballistic Mask w/ Image Link, Vision Magnification, Electronic
Certified Credstick, Standard
Forearm Guards
Glasses (1) w/ Image Link
Identity: Specify Name w/ (1 month) Squatter Lifestyle
Identity: Specify Name w/ Fake License: Cyberware (2), Fake License: Magic (2), Fake License: Weapon (2), Fake SIN (2)
MCT Blue Defender w/ Mapsoft: Choose
Medkit (3)
Sleeping Tiger w/ Custom Fit, Fire Resistance (5), Holster, Newest Model, Nonconductivity (5), Ruthenium Polymer Coating (3)
Stim Patch (6) x2
Survival Kit
Trauma Patch
Heavy Crossbow [Crossbow, Acc 4, DV 12P, AP -4, 4 (m)] w/ (8x) Barbed Bolt, (8x) Explosive Bolt, (4x) Hammerhead Bolt
Ranger Sliver Pistol Crossbow [Crossbow, Acc 6, DV 12S(e), AP -5, 1] w/ (5x) Stick-n-Shock Bolt w/Static Shaft
Knucks [Unarmed, Reach 1, Acc 10, DV 8P, AP –]
Survival Knife [Blade, Reach 1, Acc 5, DV 9P, AP -1]
Tribal Leader (Connection 3, Loyalty 3)
Starting ¥: 2D6 × 40¥
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Shadowrun © 2005-2017 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.
Metatype: A Attributes: B, Magic: D, Skills: C, Resources: E
Body: 10
Agility: 4
Reaction: 3/5
Strength: 7
Willpower: 5
Logic: 2
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 2
Essence: 4.6
Edge: 4
Magic: 4
Condition Monitor (P/S): 15/ 12
Armor: 21
Limits: Physical 10, Mental 5, Social 6
Physical Initiative: 7/9+3D6
The Tank
You are the unmovable object, the ultimate bodyguard and last to survivor when all drek hits the fan.
Raised in a culture valuing toughness both of mind and body, and chosen of the great spirit of Bear, you have brought yourself to the city to see if you can survive in the urban wilds.
Your team has learned to count on your ability to take a hit, often long enough to allow the others to get out when things get hot.