The Defenders of Varadon
The Shadow Wolves
This is a page dedicated to my personal Space Marine army Currently the army is under construction and the pictures are WIP's.
he Space Marine portion of the Defenders of Varadon. Almost entirely made up of the Primaris Marines, coming from the gene-seed of the original Shadow Wolves, a successor to the Iron Fists. They are the custodians and rulers of Varadon.
Based on orders given by Roboute Guilliman, the chapter learns it’s craft from a number of different sources, in a tradition called the Siúlta. A new battle brother spends time with other successors of The Iron Fists, Raven Guard, Salamanders, Ultra Marines, and finally the Deathwatch to hone their skills and to learn to work using different tactics. This creates a very versatile force that is prone to tactical improvisation and a skill in seeing the strength of all people.
On Varadon all are considered by their merits, as such, even sub species that would not be tolerated in other parts of the imperium are treated with respect. It is not unusual to see a Gor or Squat at a tactical briefing, and often a normal human will be given tactical command over a mixed group of Marines and Auxiliary forces.
When a major offensive is called for, this is what will normally be sent (in other words, this is my intended Collection/Army 😊, fielded as “Vanilla Marines”)
Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [20 PL, 320pts]
HQ [20 PL, 320pts]
Captain in Gravis Armor [7 PL, 134pts]: Boltstorm gauntlet [22pts], Master-crafted power sword [10pts]
Primaris Chaplain [6 PL, 85pts]
Primaris Librarian [7 PL, 101pts]: Force sword [8pts]
Brigade Detachment +12CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [146 PL, 2680pts]
HQ [16 PL, 243pts]
Primaris Captain [6 PL, 95pts]: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle [4pts], Power sword [4pts]
Primaris Lieutenant [5 PL, 74pts]: Power sword [4pts]
Primaris Lieutenant [5 PL, 74pts]: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle [4pts]
Troops [30 PL, 585pts] (All SGT’s Have Power Swords)
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher [1pts], Bolt rifle
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher [1pts], Bolt rifle
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher [1pts], Bolt rifle
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher [1pts], Bolt rifle
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher [1pts], Stalker Bolt Rifle [10pts]
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Auto Bolt Rifle [5pts], Auxiliary Grenade Launcher [1pts]
Elites [30 PL, 544pts]
Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 111pts]: 2x Aggressor [42pts], Aggressor Sergeant [21pts], Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [48pts]
Primaris Ancient [5 PL, 69pts]
Primaris Apothecary [4 PL, 68pts]
Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 196pts]: 2x Storm Bolters [4pts], Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon [36pts], Onslaught Gatling Cannon [16pts]
Reiver Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Bolt Carbine, Grapnel Launcher [10pts]
Fast Attack [30 PL, 447pts]
Inceptor Squad [10 PL, 135pts]: Assault bolter [60pts], 2x Inceptor [50pts], Inceptor Sergeant [25pts]
Inceptor Squad [10 PL, 135pts]: Assault bolter [60pts], 2x Inceptor [50pts], Inceptor Sergeant [25pts]
Inceptor Squad [10 PL, 177pts]: 2x Inceptor [50pts], Inceptor Sergeant [25pts], Plasma Exterminator [102pts]
Heavy Support [24 PL, 519pts]
Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 172pts]: Plasma incinerator [75pts], SGT w/Plasma Pistol
Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 172pts]: Plasma incinerator [75pts], SGT w/Plasma Pistol
Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 175pts]: Heavy Plasma Incinerator [85pts]
Dedicated Transport [16 PL, 342pts]
Repulsor [16 PL, 342pts]: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers [8pts], 2x Storm Bolters [4pts], Icarus Rocket Pod [6pts], 2x Krakstorm Grenade Launcher [8pts], Las-talon [40pts], Onslaught Gatling Cannon [16pts], Twin lascannon [50pts]
Total: [166 PL, 3000pts]