Body: 3
Agility: 3
Reaction: 2
Strength: 2
Willpower: 3
Logic: 2
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 8
Essence: 5
Edge: 1
Magic: 5
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Armor: 16
Limits: Physical 3, Mental 4, Social 11
Physical Initiative: 6+1D6
Matrix Initiative: 10+3D6
Callie grew up in the Horizon Corporate Culture. She grew up as many, desiring fame, fortune, and money.
She was pretty, and talented. When she awakened she turned her magic talent towards singing. As her star rose she came under the attention of a minor exec named Jack. At sixteen she was already a minor celebrity, and had realized how to use her looks and other charms to get what she wants.
Now she runs the shadows for the thrill of it, she still has a casual relationship with Jack (he's good in bed), but what she is really looking for is the next thrill...
Active Skills: Alchemy (Command +2) 6, Con (Fast Talking +2) 3, Influence Group 2, Perception (Hearing +2) 6, Performance 2, Pistols (Semi-Automatics +2) 3, Sneaking (Urban +2) 3
Knowledge Skills: Music Industry 6, Seatle Vice 6
Languages: English N
Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Black Magic Mystic Adept, Day Job (2,000¥/month, 10 hrs/week), Drug Tolerant, Fame (Local): Music, Incompetent: Sorcery Group, Mentor Spirit: Magician Powers: Seducer, Magician Powers, Natural Immunity: Soothsayer, Quick Healer, SINner (Corporate Limited SIN): Horizon, Too Pretty to Hit
Alchemical Preparations: Combat Sense, Detox, Opium Den, Sterilize, Trid Phantasm
Adept Powers: Commanding Voice (10dicepool vs. Willpower + Intuition), Cool Resolve (3), Enthralling Performance: Performance (7dicepool), Improved Sense: Damper, Improved Sense: Perfect Pitch
Nephritic Screen (6)
Tailored Pheromones (2)
Vocal Range Enhancer
Ballistic Mask (Customized) w/ Micro-Tranceiver, Respirator (5), Select Sound Filter (2)
Certified Credstick, Silver
Contacts (3) w/ Flare Compensation, Image Link, Vision Magnification, Electronic
Datachip x10
Forearm Guards w/ Auto-Injector (x5 Jazz) , Biomonitor
Hidden Gun Arm Slide
Hyper BTL
Identity: Specify Name w/ (0 months) Day Job, (1 month) Low Lifestyle
Identity: Specify Name w/ Fake License: Augmentation (3), Fake License: Weapon (3), Fake SIN (3)
Infiltrator BTL
Laced Lipstick: Soothsayer
Metal Restraints x2
Reagents, Raw (dram): Black Magic x25
Sleeping Tiger w/ Custom Fit, Holster, Newest Model, Ruthenium Polymer Coating (3)
Sober Time
Stim Patch (6)
Transys Avalon w/ Sim Module, Modified for Hot Sim
Trauma Patch
White Noise Generator (4)
Fichetti Security 600 [Light Pistol, Acc 9, DV 7P, AP -4, SA, RC (1), 30 (c)] w/ (30x) APDS, (30x) Explosive Rounds, Folding Stock, Laser Sight, Personalized Grip, (60x) Regular Ammo, Silencer/Suppressor, Smartgun System, Internal, (4x) Spare Clips, (30x) Stick-n-Shock
Knife [Blade, Acc 5, DV 3P, AP -1]
Dan The Ghoul (Fixer: Connection 4, Loyalty 3)
Jack (Horizon Music Promoter: Connection 4, Loyalty 3)
Ollie (Street Kid: Connection 1, Loyalty 2)
The Medicine Man (Street Doc/Dealer: Connection 4, Loyalty 3)
Starting ¥: 3D6 × 60¥
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
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