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Drone Rigger
Metatype: D  Attributes: C, Magic: E, Skills: B, Resources: A 



Body: 3

Agility: 2/5

Reaction: 6

Strength: 2

Willpower: 3

Logic: 4/5

Intuition: 4/5

Charisma: 2


Essence: 2.05

Edge: 5

Magic: ---

Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Armor: 12


Limits: Physical 5, Mental 6, Social 4
Physical Initiative: 10/11+1D6

Matrix Initiative: 8+3d6


The Drone Rigger

No matter if it is magic or 'ware, one trick no one else can do is be in more than one place at a time...That is except for you. 

Hopping into drones is natural for you.  While in them: you are the eye in the sky, the thunder of the heavens, a force of nature to be feared.

Let the wizards cast their spells, and the razor boys slice and dice.  When things go south, and they always do, it's you that gives cover fire, surveillance, and the getaway. 

Active Skills: Automatics (Machine Pistols +2) 3, Electronic Warfare 5, Engineering Group 5, Gunnery 5, Perception 2, Pilot Aircraft (Remote Operation +2) 5, Pilot Ground Craft (Remote Operation +2) 5, Pilot Walker (Remote Operation +2) 5, Sneaking 4
Knowledge Skills: Automotive Mechanics 5, Chop Shops 5, Drone Design 3
Languages: English N, Or'Zet 3
Qualities: Catlike, Dealer Connection (Drones), Ork Poser, Perceptive (2), Poor Self Control - Thrill-Seeker, SINner (National SIN): Choose, Subtle Aircraft Pilot: Pilot Aircraft, Weak Immune System


   Attention Co-Processor
   Cerebellum Booster (1)
   Cerebral Booster (1)
   Control Rig (2)
   Cyberears (1) w/ Antennae, Antennae, Antennae, Damper, Sound Link
   Cybereyes (2) w/ Flare Compensation, Image Link, Low-Light Vision, Smartlink, Vision Magnification
   Muscle Toner (Used) (3)
   Tusk, Small
   Tusk, Small


   GMC Bulldog Step-Van [Handling 3/3, Speed 3, Accel 1, Body 16, Armor 12, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 6]
         Drone Rack, Standard, Medium
         Drone Rack, Standard, Medium
         Drone Rack, Standard, Micro
         Linguistics: English (local language)
         Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
         Morphing license plate
         Rigger Cocoon
         Rigger Interface
         Spoof chip


   Horizon "Noizquito" (Stinger) [Handling 4, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 1, Armor 0, Pilot 3, Sensor 3]
         Linguistics: English (local language)
         Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
         Rigger Interface
         Stealth (3)
         Targeting: Fichetti Security 600 (3)
         Weapon Mount, Mini
         Fichetti Security 600 [Light Pistol, Acc 8, DV 8P, AP -1, SA, RC (1), 30 (c)] w/ (30x) Explosive Rounds, Folding Stock, Laser Sight, Smartgun System, External


   Horizon "Noizquito" (Searcher) [Handling 4, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 1, Armor 0, Pilot 3/4, Sensor 3/4]
         Clearsight (4)
         Linguistics: English (local language)
         Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
         Maneuvering: Pilot Aircraft (4)
         Pilot (4)
         Rigger Interface
         Sensor Upgrade +1


   Horizon "Noizquito" (Stunner) [Handling 4, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 1, Armor 0, Pilot 3, Sensor 3]
         Linguistics: English (local language)
         Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
         Rigger Interface
         Stealth (3)
         Targeting: Fichetti Security 600 (3)
         Weapon Mount, Mini
         Fichetti Security 600 [Light Pistol, Acc 8, DV 7S, AP +1, SA, RC (1), 30 (c)] w/ Folding Stock, (30x) Gel Rounds, Laser Sight, Smartgun System, External


   MCT-Nissan Roto-drone [Handling 4, Speed 4/3, Accel 2, Body 4, Armor 4, Pilot 3/4, Sensor 3]
         Linguistics: English (local language)
         Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
         Pilot (4)
         Rigger Interface
         Speed Downgrade
         Targeting: Ares Alpha (4)
         Weapon Mount, Large
         Weapon Mount, Large
         Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 5, DV 11P, AP -6, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42 (c)] w/ (42x) APDS, Grenade Launcher, Smartgun System, Internal
            Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher [Grenade Launcher, Acc 6, DV 16P, -2/m, AP -2, SS, 6 (c)] w/ (6x) High Explosive Minigrenade, Smartgun System, Internal

         Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 5, DV 11P, AP -6, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42 (c)] w/ (42x) APDS, Grenade Launcher, Smartgun System, Internal
         Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher [Grenade Launcher, Acc 6, DV 10S, 10m R, AP -4, SS, 6 (c)] w/ (6x) Flash-Bang Minigrenade, Smartgun System, Internal


   MCT-Nissan Roto-drone [Handling 4, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 4, Armor 4, Pilot 3/4, Sensor 3]
         Drone Arm (Strength 4, Agility 3) w/ Drone Limb Agility (3), Drone Limb Strength (4)
         Drone Arm (Strength 4, Agility 3) w/ Drone Limb Agility (3), Drone Limb Strength (4)
         Linguistics: English (local language)
         Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
         Pilot (4)
         Rigger Interface
         Targeting: Enfield AS-7 (4)
         Weapon Mount, Large
         Enfield AS-7 [Shotgun, Acc 6, DV 13S, AP –, SA/BF, 10 (c)] w/ (10x) Gel Rounds, Laser Sight, Smartgun System, External


   Shiawase I-Doll [Handling 3, Speed 3, Accel 1, Body 3, Armor 0, Pilot 3/4, Sensor 3]
         Clearsight (4)
         Drone Arm (Strength 3, Agility 3) w/ Drone Limb Agility (3), Drone Limb Strength (3)
         Drone Arm (Strength 3, Agility 3) w/ Drone Limb Agility (3), Drone Limb Strength (3)
         Drone Leg w/ Drone Limb Agility (3), Drone Limb Strength (3)
         Drone Leg w/ Drone Limb Agility (3), Drone Limb Strength (3)
         Linguistics: English (local language)
         Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
         Pilot (4)
         Realistic Features
         Rigger Interface
         Skillset: Aeronautics Mechanic (4)
         Skillset: Automotive Mechanic (4)
         Skillset: Cooking (3)


   Armor Jacket
   Certified Credstick, Standard
   Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
   Flashlight, Low-Light
   Identity: Specify Name w/ (1 month) Low Lifestyle
   Identity: Specify Name w/ Fake License: Concealed Weapon (2), Fake License: Drone (2), Fake License: Weapon (2), Fake SIN (2)
   Maersk Spider w/ Encryption, Sim Module, Modified for Hot Sim
   Meta Link
   Plastic Restraints x10
   Respirator (5)
   Standard Tags x20
   Survival Kit
   Tool Kit, Aeronautics Mechanic
   Tool Kit, Automotive Mechanic


   Ares Crusader II [Machine Pistol, Acc 7, DV 7P, AP –, SA/BF, RC 2, 40 (c)] w/ Gas-Vent System (2), (40x) Regular Ammo, Smartgun System, Internal


Fixer (Connection 4, Loyalty 2)


Starting ¥: 3D6 × 60¥


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