Attributes: Agility: d6, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d8, Strength: d6, Vigor: d6
Skills: Athletics: d6, Common Knowledge: d6, Notice: d6, Persuasion: d6, Stealth: d6.
Driving: d4, Fighting: d4, Focus: d10, Intimidation: d4, Science: d4, Shooting d4
Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 9 (4)
Edges: Streetwise, Connections (PD)
Hindrances: Secret ID (Major), Environmental Weakness: Darkness (Minor), Heroic (Major), Vow: Protect and Serve (Minor)
Armor (1): SynthTech Suit, +4, Device
Environmental Resistance (1): SynthTech Suit, Heat, Cold, Radiation, Air, Device, only for background effects (-2)
Damage Field (5): 3d6
Dodge (3), -3 to ranged Attacks
Ranged Attack (15), Energy Blasts. Range 12/24/48, Damage: 4d6, AP 2, May use Cone, Switchable
Ranged Attack (14). Range 12/24/48, Damage: 5d6, AP 2, Heavy Weapon, Draining (-2), Lethal (-1)
If used must make Vigor roll or suffer a level of fatigue (2 on critical fail), cannot kill the character
Flight (8): Attack Penalty -2, Pace 48 (120 MPH)
Force Field (8): -8 Damage
Heightened Senses (2): Eagle Eyed, Infravision
Scan (2): Radiation
Gear: $400, comlink