Metatype: C Attributes: B, Magic: E, Skills: D, Resources: A
Body: 7
Agility: 4
Reaction: 5/7
Strength: 5
Willpower: 3
Logic: 2
Intuition: 5
Charisma: 2
Essence: 2
Edge: 3
Magic: ---
Condition Monitor (P/S): 13 / 10
Armor: 21
Limits: Physical 8, Mental 4, Social 4
Physical Initiative: 10/12+3D6
The Street Samurai
The warrior of the street, not just some punk who has got some chrome. He is an honorable warrior, one who lives by a specific code of honor.
The role of the Street Samurai is the same as the Marines: First in and last out. He is the master of combat in the physical world.
To keep his edge razor sharp, he has traded a piece of his very soul for the chrome and bioware that keep him relevant in a world of the matrix and magic.
Active Skills: Automatics (Machine Pistols +2) 6 (7), Blades (Swords +2) 6 (7), Perception 2, Sneaking (Urban +2) 5 (6)
Knowledge Skills: Great Restraunts 2, Law Enforcement 2, Poetry 1, Safe Houses 4
Languages: English N, Japanese 2, Or'Zet 3
Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Biocompatibility (Cyberware), Code of Honor: The Path of the Samurai (5dicepool vs. 4), Home Ground (Street Politics): Players Choice, Jack of All Trades, Master of None, Perceptive (1), Poor Self Control - Combat Monster, Quick Healer
Bone Lacing (Aluminum)
Cyber Arm (Obvious) (Main Hand) w/ Cyber Holster, Cyberlimb Agility (9), Cyberlimb Strength (11), Enhanced Agility (3), Enhanced Strength (3), Fingertip Compartment
Flare Compensation (Alphaware)
Orthoskin (3)
Reflex Recorder (Alphaware): Automatics
Reflex Recorder (Alphaware): Blades
Reflex Recorder (Alphaware): Sneaking
Smartlink (Alphaware)
Synaptic Booster (2)
Harley-Davidson Scorpion [Handling 4/3, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 8, Armor 9, Pilot 1/2, Sensor 2, Seats 1]
Linguistics: English (local language)
Linguistics: Japanese (Manufacturer's Language)
Metahuman Adjustment: Troll
Morphing license plate
Pilot Enhancement (2)
Run Flat Tires x2
Spoof chip
Autopicker (6)
Ballistic Mask (Customized) w/ Image Link, Respirator (5), Vision Enhancement (2), Vision Magnification, Electronic
Certified Credstick, Standard
Cybersafety RFID Broadcaster
Forearm Guards w/ Flashlight, Low-Light
Glasses (1) w/ Image Link
Identity: Specify Name w/ Fake License: Augmentation (4), Fake License: Concealed Weapon (4), Fake License: Weapon (4), Fake SIN (4), (1 month) Low Lifestyle
Mapsoft: City of Choice
Medkit (6)
Novatech NetNinja
Sleeping Tiger w/ Custom Fit, Fire Resistance (5), Holster, Newest Model, Nonconductivity (5), Ruthenium Polymer Coating (3)
Stim Patch (6) x2
Trauma Patch x2
Ares Crusader II [Machine Pistol, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP -1, SA/BF, RC 2, 40 (c)] w/ (80x) Explosive Rounds, Extended Clip (1), Gas-Vent System (2), Smartgun System, Internal, Spare Clips
Fichetti Security 600 [Light Pistol, Acc 8, DV 7S, AP +1, SA, RC (1), 30 (c)] w/ Folding Stock, (30x) Gel Rounds, Laser Sight (Inactive), Smartgun System, Internal
Katana [Blade, Blade, Reach 1, Acc 7, DV 14P, AP -3]
Spurs [Unarmed, Acc 8, DV 14P, AP -2]
Survival Knife [Blade, Acc 5, DV 13P, AP -1]
Sword [Blade, Blade, Reach 1, Acc 6, DV 14P, AP -2]
Fixer (Connection 4, Loyalty 2)
Starting ¥: 3D6 × 60¥
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