Brawler Adept
Metatype:B Attributes: A, Magic: D, Skills: C, Resources: E
Body: 7
Agility: 6/7
Reaction: 5/7
Strength: 7
Willpower: 3
Logic: 2
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 3
Essence: 6
Edge: 3
Magic: 6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 12 / 10
Armor: 13
Limits: Physical 10, Mental 4, Social 5
Physical Initiative: 9/11+3D6
The Brawler Adept
For some the battle is waged with metal, be it cyberware and weapons. For you, magic flows through your veins and empowers you to be able to fight like no one else.
When someone sees you, approaching them unarmed, they will often underestimate you, to their regret.
Active Skills: Gymnastics (Parkour +2) 6, Influence Group 2, Perception (Visual +2) 6, Sneaking (Urban +2) 6, Unarmed Combat (Boxing (Brawler Style) +2) 6 (9)
Knowledge Skills: Boxing 2, Street Gangs 4, Urban Brawl 4
Languages: English N, Or'Zet 2
Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Adept, Distinctive Style: Choose, Family Curse, Human-Looking, Incompetent: Firearms Group, Mentor Spirit: Shark, SINner (Criminal SIN): Choose
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (1), Critical Strike: Unarmed Combat, Improved Ability (3): Unarmed Combat, Improved Physical Attribute (1): Agility, Improved Reflexes (2), Killing Hands, Penetrating Strike (2)
Boxing Brawler Martial Arts: Haymaker
Armor Jacket
Flashlight, Low-Light
Forearm Guards
Glasses (2) w/ Flare Compensation, Image Link
Identity: Specify Name w/ Fake License: Magic (1), Fake SIN (1), (1 month) Squatter Lifestyle
Identity: Specify Name
Qi Focus: Combat Sense (1) (2)
Sony Emperor
Survival Kit
Knucks [Unarmed, Acc 10, DV 9P, AP –]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 10, DV 8P, AP –]
Beat Cop (Connection 2, Loyalty 1)
Fixer (Connection 4, Loyalty 2)
Starting ¥: 2D6 × 40¥
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