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Frustrations in Writing

Jason A Wedel

Life is interesting, challenging, and sometimes just a pain in the ass. Without any excuses let me say that my life over the last year and a half has not been simple, and I do apologize for not updating Kountry Gaming more often…or at all.

My gaming group has moved on to Pathfinder and Shadowrun, so expect some updates on those sections this weekend and more blog posts about the adventures my characters are taking part of.

I have also returned to my writing, with the first book coming really soon!!! The first book of the Fox Series, called the Heroes of San Corona will be a sampler of what is to come. I plan on including some gear from the armory, a team of low-powered heroes, some alternate rules, and brief descriptions of Centurion Earth & the City of San Corona.

However, some days it is harder than others to get your ideas onto paper, last night was one of those nights for me. The problem came with the hero Coral. An aquatic hero with a twist, without getting into too much detail, one of his powers proved extremely challenging, with the first few drafts to be overly complicated. I think I am happy with it now, though many may feel it is slightly abusive…

Right now the Heroes of San Corona project is about half done, and should be in layout and contracts by the end of next month (May).

Keep your eyes open all, and wish me luck. Comments are welcome down below


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