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Return to Gaming

Jason A Wedel

So it has been a couple of weeks sense I posted last. I want to make it a normal Sunday activity, but just don't seem to have got the hang of it. I am not overly happy with some elements of the blog page, namely that the latest post seems to always be on the bottom, instead of the top where I would like it...I am thinking I might have to move the sight to another free sight, as I am getting a little dissatisfied with a variety of WIX things. But that is for another day

As for the website, I did post and update a number of Hero Game characters. The Generics as I call them are intended as quick and easy to play characters that will fit into most Champions games. I am also intending to do that for Shadowrun. A part of me also feels like doing it for Savage Worlds, but that system is so easy to make characters I question the need for it.

In other news I am going into playtesting on the first part of the San Corona Chronicles. I really need to get the city description written up ASAP...

As for me, the last two weeks has seen me get back into gaming. In Shadowrun,, my character Back-Up got back from his religious retreat to find half his group had been KIA. Frosty, are Johnson has once again recruited us to get a magical artifact called the Phaistos Disk. We did not get very far past the negotiation phase. As I was missing my GM is letting me spend a bunch of Karma to keep me up to the others, so have spent way to much time looking at options. He also game me the option to rebuild him using standard rules instead of Karma build. Like I said, spent way to much time on looking at options...

In Pathfinder, Miril is working his way through the Skinsaw Murders...we got to the Foxglove Manor. We have so far checked out the first and most of the second floor. We have so far figured out that the place is haunted, and a bit of the backstory. We suspect the lord was having an affair on his wife who he later killed (or maybe she killed him, or the mistress). Okay, we are basically clueless at this point.

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