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Doing your best

----Philosophical Post, not much gaming----

This world is weird. We tell ourselves to do our best, but we never do our best. That's not true and, ironically, it is also true. We all do the best that we can with where we are right now, but we compare ourselves to when we are at our best, a level that we cannot honestly keep up all the time.

This week has reminded me of that. I wanted to get more done, probably more than I could have done...I have a stack of grading, a messy house, and two more factions of my army to photograph. I also wanted to update the website, fold the laundry and play some Star Trek Online. The point I am getting at is that I need to forgive myself more, and so do most if not all people. We make excuses, instead of offering explanations. They may seem the same but there is a subtle difference. I am sick today so unfortunately I did not get everything done is an explanation: I'm sick is an excuse. It is about responsibility

Gaming Update

I did get my Redeemer Dreadnought done. I give it a 7 out of 10, Could I have done better, given him more attention, probably...

One of my gamers is still ill, another had a long drive so no gaming again this weekend :(

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